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Gracie Magazine Issue 214 February 2015

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Gracie Magazine, also known as GracieMag is probably the oldest and most known publication for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ).
RoninWear is an official Gracie Magazine associate member (GMA Associate).
English edition.
For the moment, we only have 10 units available every month, don't miss yours!.

Issue 214, February 2015, between other articles, you may find:

- GM #214: Classic & Modern: World Champions teach you how to combine old school techniques with new moves and keep your Jiu Jitsu up-to-date.

- Winter is here! We have 5 vital tips to keep you safely active during the cold season

- The gentle art globetrotter: Find out how a black belt spent 10 years travelling the world training, teaching and competing.

- Wrestling lessons: Learn how to control the wrist before taking the opponent down

- Training program, Spider traps: Rodrigo Freitas teaches four efficient ways of putting your opponent in a lot of trouble using the traditional guard with the foot on the biceps.

- MMA, Roger smiles again: The most accomplished Jiu-Jitsu competitor of all time used his striking to win in his return to MMA.

- GMA Gracie Magazine Associates: All the latest updates on our members from all around the world.

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